I hate coming up with poem titles

My lover had to choose me
She could have chosen any other but she chose me
Startling a debilitating choice
a nightlit city of towers
a single solitary room

might as well be lockless
key placed in the palms of any
passed around dirty and brass
stained with the edges of a waterpool dried on velvet
hard water

Wrong choice tortured eternal
Fragments of given up.

I walked Irving
grey sky and couldn't see the city above beyond north north east
I had a warm ceramic in my hand and nothing in the other
I typed on my couch and saw mercury pressure retrograde
represented digitally on a swiped left home screen.

If I could inhabit the skin of some existent creature
other than myself
a squirrel, a toad, twin stacked dragonflies,
something frozen.

Keeping my heart open
with heartlash to blink out
dust and heart-nostrils to filter,
heart arms to push away and protect
my heart needs a whole body

Salad bars and freeway cars
later I'll style myself after an adult and 
open my rib cage
and try try try
to get a damn infection festering
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