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Was there ever a moment
When a swimmer became strong enough
And talented enough at swimming
That they never feared the pull of the ocean?
It happens when you stand in rough riptides
during storms
or by waves rocking against great canyons in the water,
and the suction of the deep dropoff.
I am undertow now, in the shallow sands.
I know I've been here before because I feel it,
it feels the same.
I'm afraid and flipping with
crabs and starfish.
If I open my eyes
millions of bubbles wrack around me.
Sea kelp spiral.
The foggy brine,
kicked up thick dust
Rocks and pebbles in between my eye
lid and pupil.
My heart thinks
it might not ever be able to find
the right direction again.
A gulpful lung of salty water
while I'm sucked down deeper down
brain dashed against the rocks,
and die.