I hate to be told for the same reason they hate to tell. What is a creature that has an instinct. Feral. I am a constantly adjusting, mechanically correcting, measuring, perfecting machine. I am a biological clock of waking and sleeping, drinking and pissing, time and space manipulating to fit my will. Sometimes I turn around and hear a tink on the floor and in Spring I find a bolt rolled under space between the refrigerator and the dishwasher. I can see through time. Perhaps if I look sooner I can prevent my left leg from falling off when I'm out on a walk outside. I had just woken up 2 hours ago, had coffee... made the right choices, making the right choices, will make the right choices. I can read the past and the room. I see phantoms from out of time and dispel them. Andit'snotevenbigmassivehorriblechangesIhavetomake. My entire life doesn't need to change. In fact, iftherewasanydramaticsitdoesn'tmatchthesituation. You can be punishedbyafalseshame, still learn some other lesson, the constant. beatdown. on your luckylucky life. Can you clear out the hibernating snake in your stomach? Can you wear your happy new year jacket and shut your stupid feelings up and just move on? Yes. Yes, yes yesysyes. Tick a few notches back.